About Adam The Dog Trainer
His Success Story.
In 2017 the trainer was diagnosed with a life-altering disease. After countless hospital stays, he lost 20% of his body mass and nearly his home. The malady had almost taken his life. He had to re-evaluate everything.
It was at this point he decided to fully dedicate himself to something larger than himself: to create harmony between owners and their misunderstood dogs. His purpose: to become one of the world’s most loved dog trainers. He credits this realization to his incredible recovery and the return of his health. Dogs literally saved his life.
Adam is a reward-based trainer, using classical or operant conditioning, with an emphasis on Positive Reinforcement. Every dog is different, and he starts with the least intrusive, minimally aversive method. He is currently finalizing his course to become an official Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA)(Though he’s earned the title of CDT through smaller organizations)
Over the last decade and a half, he has accumulated over 11,000 hours training dogs, volunteering at various shelters across the state and studying under several of the most prolific trainers in North America. Adam’s training practices are an accumulation of all of these experiences. The Trainer is currently mentoring under Ms. Terri Dolbear of Smalltime Kennels.
His experience has covered ALL CANINE BEHAVORIAL issues (i.e. food aggression, barrier frustration, indoor elimination, socialization, stress management). As well, he specializes in off-leash training. Adam truly loves advising on circumstances such as which puppy or dog will fit your lifestyle when looking to adopt, as well as preparing hopeful owners for their first dog!
He has worked with nearly 100 breeds. Such as the small and confident Havanese to the 100-pound German Shepard and the even larger St. Bernard. To the energetic and driven Border Collie and the lazy but dedicated hunter that is the Black and Tan Coonhound and the sled dog of the north, the Malamute. He even specializes with the misunderstood Pitbull (or any variant of) and disabled dogs. From the ultimate family dog, the Retriever/ Labrador to the Poodle. Adam’s studies of animal psychology and years of experience should bring you confidence that he will bring you the answers you are looking for.